Found 7 records | Page 1 of 1
Co-Operative Milk Producers Societies Union Limited, Belgaum, Karnataka invites tenders notice for supply of aluminum foil pouches for kunda packing at Belgaum. Tender document can be collected/downloaded from .
Price Rs 15000.00
Phone: 91-831-2405756
e-mail: send an e-mail
2. Tender Notice -Providing Murrum Filling And Leveling For Sambhaji Garden At Mahadwar Road at Belgaum
Directorate Of Municipal Administration, Belgaum, Karnataka invites tenders notice for providing murrum filling and leveling for Sambhaji Garden at Mahadwar Road, Belgaum. Tender document can be downloaded from
Price Rs 79722.00
Phone: 9844220790
website: http://www.eproc.karnataka....
e-mail: send an e-mail
The Executive Engineer of Directorate Of Municipal Administration, Belgaum, Karnataka invites tenders notice for development of road from Shri Nagar garden to Gokak road (right side), Belgaum. Tender document can be collected/downloaded from Belgaum.
Phone: 91-94481-02297
e-mail: send an e-mail
Tender Notice - Improvements To Garden At Khanjar Galli At Belgaum
Price Rs 1081538.00
e-mail: send an e-mail
S. K Kudtarkar, Sr. Branch Manager Of Government Of Karnataka, Belgaum, Karnataka invites tenders notice for supply & installation of computer systems, UPS & printer. Tender document can be collected/downloaded from
Phone: 91-831-4213554
e-mail: send an e-mail
7. Trainee - Service Engineer

Smartlink Network Systems Ltd. is one of India's leading networking company. It was established in the year 1993 to prop the Indian market in the field of Network Infrastructure. Pioneer in the field of Active networking,
Phone: 0831 4202167.
e-mail: send an e-mail