Phoenix Public Residential School
It is one of the Prime Charitable Educational Institute in North Karnataka, with 25 Educational Centers. It is headed by Mr.Vivek Patil, a well known Reformist, Visionary and Educationist of this region.
Contact Information
NH-4,PUNE BANGALORE ROAD, HONGA, BELGAUM Belgaum, Karnataka, Indiaphone: view phone91-9980376114

Education is a training given to an individual for the all round development of the body and the soul. Earlier education was only the privilege of those who would afford it. The parent used to send their wards to the ashrams in order to develop the personality of the child, so that in hard times he can take decisions on his own in the absence of his elders.
Today in a modern society where we are moving towards a computerized world, where each aspect has become so challenging it becomes difficult to keep the space in between the demands and the capacity of the child. In such a given situation it becomes necessary for an educationist to think and understand the child and give him the best, so that he can grow and carve his own personality.
Phoenix was started in June 1988 with a similar aim. Why the school was named “Phoenix”? Phoenix basically represents the beginning of a new life that will bring both material and spiritual regeneration. It also represents fire and activity that will produce gold. In ancient mythology, Phoenix is a mythical sacred fire bird that is a fire spirit with a beautiful gold and red plumage. It has 500 to 1000 year life cycle, At the end of its life cycle Phoenix builds itself a nest of cinnamon twigs that it then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced into ashes, from which a new, young Phoenix or Phoenix egg arises, reborn anew to live again. The Phoenix ability to be reborn from its own ashes implies that it is immortal, and invincible – a symbol of fire and divinity-, though in some stories the new Phoenix is merely the offspring of the older one. In very few stories it is able to change into human form.
As the Phoenix bird was said to regenerate when hurt or wounded thus being immortal so also in Phoenix a child is not considered as a total useless product if he is not good in studies or games but the child is provided with special tutors are appointed to cater to the academic need of the week students. So that his best talent is exposed and he feels that he is worth getting the best. The students who avoid sports are clubbed together and put under Physical Instructers and are motivated to participate in the daily sport routine.
Initially the aim of Phoenix was to provide quality education in uplifting the rural masses in and around Karnataka. The school was started with a small strength of 19 and rose to 1000 in a short span. Slowly the motto of the school had a global concept, i.e. Vasudeva Kutumbakum, which means “Universal family”. As we all are witnessing the competitive world, parent often lookout for schools where the children get 90% and above. There are schools in India who are branded for their results, where the students who fall below 90% are out of the school and these types of schools are named as “Good” schools. Is a school good only if the students are able to score 90% and above?
Are the students who score below that treated as unfit? Then we have to rethink on the concept of education. As we are only preparing a monotonous group of people, who are unable to cope up with the weird situations and who think that schools are the tuition centers. Then why send your child to the school? One can get 99% by giving the child tuitions at home.
At Phoenix it is a total different atmosphere where the child is having a set-routine for the all-round development of his personality where he studies, plays and works hard to develop his own personality. The formal education in the class rooms is taught by the teachers and the informal education is imparted to the child in the daily routine, when interacts with his peer group, he observe his teachers and understands how he should carry himself and take decisions where he is responsible to the total-remaking of his own-self.
Phoenix is a member of the Indian Public School Conference. To be a member of IPSC, the required conditions are to have a good infrastructure, trained staff, a residential school up to STD XII and the most important of all it should be a secular school.
What is the difference between the secular school and a well established school? There are certain schools that have a communal atmosphere and work on communal lines. Why these schools can’t be the member of the Public School. The simple reason is that the schools which encourage a particular group of organization or a religion can’t be the member of IPSC. The school should be a secular school, it means that “I follow my religion and allow you to grow by respecting you to follow the religion of your choice”.
Why must one choose Phoenix for education?
Phoenix is located in Belgaum in midst of nature surrounded by the hills. The climate of Belgaum is moderate and is more suitable for the students for education. It is the center place for the people who are travelling from Goa, Maharastra and South India. Since it is in the lap of nature, its most suitable because the child can concentrate for the all-round development of his personality where the space to play and relax is limited in the metro cities. When it comes to academics the students get a combination of subjects for ICSE that is they can opt. for commerce or science in std 9th with English as the first language and Hindi or Kannada as the Second language. In ISC the students can opt. for PCM or PCB with English which is most suitable for the students to score better in the boards. There is a separate stream for Commerce in ISC; those who are interested in Computers can take Computers, Physical Education and HomeScience with English and appear for the Boards with these four subjects.
The total training from the dedicated staffs, with a motto “helping the child to excel is the pride of the teachers”. The coaching classes for CET / AIEEE / NDA are given in the campus. During the time of the
Board Exams the staff is available around the clock to help and assist the child. Apart from this, the school has sports like Badminton, Boxing, T.T, Cricket, Swimming, Hockey, Skating, Football and Athletics……… as a regular routine of the school and the students have participated and won at Nationals. Being the member of IPSC, The opening for the students is clear, which means that clearing the IPSC, the students will be playing for the Nationals which qualifies them for the sports Quota for Engineering, Medical and secure reservations in jobs under sports Quota.
The School has bagged nearly 28 Gold medals, for All India Mathematics talent Examination. It has been honored as "The Best School Award for Mathematics"; "The Best Teacher Award for Mathematics”, where the students have secured the place in the top 10 ranks for Nationals.
The infrastructure of the school is designed in such a way that the Academics, Sports and Talent exams go hand in hand, suitable for the child. The syllabus offered in Phoenix is ICSE, ISC and IGCSE which is based on the needs and requirements of the students where the child is free to choose the subjects of his own choice, with no compulsion or pressure on the child. As a parent we all are aware of the state syllabus and after passing STD X in ICSE we want our children to move to PUC i.e. State Board Syllabus, mainly because we feel confident that the child will score better in State Board. But the fact file shows the reports in news papers that more than 50% of students fail in P.U.C.
This information should be an eye-opener to the parent that the vast syllabus of ISC helps the students to get a good base for their further studies and those who study in ISC are eligible for the direct admissions in the professional courses offered in any of the common wealth countries.
Phoenix is administrated by the Mahakali Education Society, with Chairmen Mr.Vivek Patil.
The School is affiliated to ICSE in 1988, upgraded to ISC XI – XII in 1998. As the demand of the society increased to go abroad for further education, Phoenix came up with IGCSE and was affiliated to Cambridge University in 2008 – 09.